Friday, July 11, 2008

I have a confession to make: I use tea bags more than once. When at work, I use the same tea bag about 3 times... I get the same taste with all three cups, and I don't waste extra tea. I have heard that some frown upon this saying it is either not as tasty, or just plain gross. I however, don't care what the haters say. Its good, it saves money, what more do you need to know?

I found this website yesterday and it is the most amazing thing I have ever stumbles upon in my LIFE. There is so much there to read and learn and be entertained by, I felt like I had ADD when I was on it because there was so much good at once, my mind couldn't concentrate on just one thing! Here is the story of how the author of the site met her husband "Marlboro Man" and how she became "Pioneer Woman". I think that her life may be most like the life I want. City living would be nice for a time, but ultimately living on a ranch in the middle of nowhere with kids and animals and hay and tractors and a big kitchen... that's the dream :)

Part of this blog was to talk about weddings and ideas for them and my life as a Wedding Planner, so I think maybe I should do something with that too! I want to share with you all a particular NE Ohio Photographer who's skills are superior and who's blog is a delight to read. Genevieve Nisly Photography is just delightful and definitely saved under my "favorites" for photography available here in Ohio. (check out their blog and the pictures taken in Mexico!).

Thats all for today. Have a delightful weekend everyone!

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