Sunday, July 20, 2008

family from the country...

Last week my Aunt Reba and Uncle Fred from North Carolina came to visit us up here in Ohio. We haven't seen them for 3 years, and while we stay in touch through phone and email... spending late nights on the porch drinking sweet tea cant be substituted.

Thats Fred, Reba, Mother, Father and nina

My sisters, dad and I all knew they were coming, but my mom (Reba's sister) did not. So she came home from work Tuesday and there they were just sittin' in the foyer to greet her. She was super surprised and we were all just so excited to spend time with them. Reba and Fred just have a way of being so kind and funny and country... we (especially my sisters and I) just soak it up. Our accents that are dormant from living "up north" start to seep out, and soon we are drinking sweet tea and sittin' on the porch like its our job! (Being raised by a mom with an accent, it cant help but rub into our language). For some reason, we don't do that kind of stuff so much "up north" I think people stay inside more and always go go go, so the idea of porch sittin' doesn't surface very often. So to say the least, we had an amazing couple days with them, and they left all too soon! However, they made sure to tell me before they left that I have an open invitation to go down and live with them whenever I'd like....

Maybe there could be a lot more porch sittin' in my future...

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