Sunday, December 27, 2009

More "Recently Read"

Finished Angels and Demons... now I need to watch the movie again... great real time book, long, but keeps you reading!

Finished the romance A Family of Her Own... cheesy chick book, but good none the less!

Almost done with Unhallowed Ground by Heather Graham ... slower first half, but the second half has really picked up! Its a suspense mystery romance....

Funny thing... I realize the older I get, the more of what I read are things my grandma reads... weird realization! :)


Anonymous said...

I have heard that your grandmother has excellent taste in books...and other things.

Abigail Grace said...

Dear Anonymous,
I would have to agree, my Grandmother has EXCELLENT taste in books, and quite an impressive library to boot. Not to mention her good taste in movies, magazines... all forms of media really. And of course, good taste in men! My Grandfather was quite a looker in his day. ;)


Anonymous said...

Oh boy, I'd sure like to meet your his day, that is.