I found a new blog today... http://justjaime28.wordpress.com/
So it inspired me.... I thought... "why don't I blog my findings of SWEET wedding ideas, party pictures, and creative misc!? It would be a great way of saving things I find (instead of having hundreds of bookmarks) AND a great way to share things with friends and/or clients... mmm..... :)
So here goes!
I have been talking for a while about having a Fall/Barn wedding...
and today I found this picture(from the blog listed above):

Then these pictures from this website (http://www.fearrington.com/house/weddingbarn.asp#5):
Oh, thank you for sharing my blog, that was very sweet of you! I'm so excited that you've been inspired to start collecting wedding ideas too - it's addicting! lol When are you getting married? Congratulations! If you ever need help finding more fun fall ideas for your wedding, let me know, I'd be happy to help as I absolutely LOVE weddings! Best of luck to you, and happy planning! :)
-Jaime @ "It's A Jaime Thing"
P.S. I went ahead and added you to my blogroll...I can't wait to read more of your ideas!
Take Care!
-Jaime @ "It's A Jaime Thing"
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